Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Alelluia He is Risen!

From the Easter Vigil Liturgy:

O God, who made this most holy night to shine with the golry of the Lord's resurrection: stir up in your Church that Spirit of adoption which is given to us in Baptism, that wem being renewed both in body and mind, may worship you in sincerity and truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

As Provebs states, when words are many sin is not absent. These words seem to be particularly applicable to bloggers! :) So during the season of lent I largely took a break from writing. Many of the spiritual writers talk about how we can only truly speak God's words after we have entered into silence. It is also true that communing with God in silence is good in and of itself (and often doesn't "birth" any radically new words). So on returning I was hoping to have all these amazing insights to offer, but at the moment that is not the case. :)

Some personal updates:
-God miraculously provided a house for us to move into back in Wheaton (no more commuting!)
-I am still praying and hoping to receive an invitation to this summer's anglican conference in Jordan/Jerusalem (gafcon.org).
-I have been taking a class on recovering monastic wisdom and have been really challenged to think of ways to incorporate these practices and concepts into my future work in the M.E.
-I am in the process of discerning, along with my mentors and those close to me,several large decisions. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Some Updates on the Middle East:
-In case you haven't noticed, the situation in Gaza has been increasingly deteriorating. As of a couple weeks ago, a totoal of nearly 150 people had died (mostly civilians) as a result of Israeli incursions and attacks. Of course, the continual rocket fire out of Gaza hasn't helped things. There is no way, thjough, that these actions can be placed on the same level. Check out my friends blog (under the link section) for more details.

The shalom/salaam of the Lord be always with you.

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